Thousands of years ago, Indian sages discovered that the Sun is the ultimate controller of the universe. Alongside the Sun, the Moon has a profound inuence on the human mind, life activities, the environment, weather, and agriculture.
According to Indian belief, the Sun's chariot is drawn by seven horses, which in reality symbolise the seven rays of the Sun. These rays carry the light of other planets to Earth and are absorbed by the human body's chakras (energetic centers) that are associated with emotions and well-being.
The sages identied specic areas of the human body where these seven rays have a direct effect. They also discovered the colours of these rays and the crystals that represent them. Thus, by using coloured crystals corresponding to these rays, it is believed that various issues affecting particular parts of the body can be addressed and potentially healed. Ultimately, all healing takes place by the rays of the Sun and crystals act as a medium to channel rays. Let's start with understanding the Chakras and how their imbalance affects us.
1 - Mooladhara Chakra / Root Chakra
The colour of this chakra is Red and it is located at the base of the spine. Red coloured Chakra is used at this place to correct the imbalance. Diseases - Loss of wealth and respect, weakening of self-confidence and physical strength. Blood and bone diseases. Waist and back pain. Depression and suicidal thoughts. Cancer disease.
2 - Swadhisthana Chakra / Sacral Chakra
The colour of this Chakra is Orange and it is located above the perineum of the body. Orange coloured crystals are used at this place. Diseases - Cruelty, Pride, Laziness, Disobedience, Impotence, Infertility, Retardation, Bladder and Uterus Diseases, not getting happiness despite being rich and obstacles in spiritual attainment.
3 - Manipur Chakra / Solar Plexus / Navel Chakra
The colour of this Chakra is Yellow and it is located around the navel. When there is a lack of energy at this place, energy is supplied through a yellow coloured crystal. Diseases – Jealousy, Backbiting, Shyness, Fear, Attachment, Hatred, Incomplete Success, Irritability, Drug Addiction, Stress, Insult, Feeling of Revenge, Acidity,Blood Pressure, Kidney, Liver and Blood Diseases.
4 - Anahata Chakra / Heart Chakra
The colour of this Chakra is green and it is located near the heart. Energy is given to this place by using green crystals. Diseases - Greed, Deceit, Sabotage, Sophistry, Worry, Hatred, Failure in Love,Loneliness, Restlessness, Chest Pain and Lung Disease.
5 - Vishuddhi Chakra / Throat Chakra
The colour of this Chakra is blue and its location is at the throat. Here energy is given through blue coloured crystals. Diseases - Speech defects, decrease in expression and diseases of throat, nose, ears, teeth and thyroid occur.
6 - Ajna Chakra / Third Eye Chakra
The colour of this Chakra is Indigo and it is located on the forehead between the two eyebrows. Energy is provided at this place by Indigo coloured crystals. Diseases - Lack of concentration, lack of will to live, lack of decisive powerand success is not achieved on time.
7- Sahasrara Chakra / Crown Chakra
The colour of this Chakra is Violet and it is located in the upper part of the brain. Energy is provided by Violet coloured crystals.Diseases - Mental illness, Lack of Spirituality, and luck does not fully support you.
In this way, it is observed where in the human body a disease arises or a problem occurs due to the deciency of specic elements between the Muladhar Chakra and the Sahasrara Chakra. The energy absorbed from the sun through crystals of the corresponding colour is replenished in the body,enabling the daily activities of human life to be carried out in a sustainable manner. This is the greatest signicance of crystals.
Astrological Perspective of Crystals and Gemstones:
According to Zodiac signs, crystals also hold importance because each planet emits two types of energies: positive and negative. Positive energy is always benecial, whereas negative energy can harm humans. Each planet is associated with its own coloured crystals. When a planet emits negative energy, it is advisable to wear the appropriate crystal to neutralise the negative effects of that planet.
However, it is also essential to consider the individual’s horoscope, specically their ascendant house. This determines which planets are favourable and which are not. Based on this, one must decide wich crystals will be benecial and which might be harmful.
In today’s era, most people are occupied with jobs, professions, and businesses.When work does not meet expectations, it often leads to stress, anxiety, and depression. Crystal therapy plays a signicant role in alleviating these conditions, helping people lead healthier and more balanced lives. Note - During the therapy sessions, a male or female healer is chosen based on the gender of the patient.
( Dr Ashok Pandey,Spiritual Healer, Vastu Consultant and Astrologer Pune - +91-7574885030, +91-9425006196)
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