Creation is full of beauty, love and emotions. Cosmos arrange for all . All the parts of cosmic arrangement are dooing for this every second. All are creating at every moment. This movement is full of pure energy. This energy never beeing destroys. This generate for all creations every moment. This energy is base of the universe. All the parts of universe are working with and along with this only. This arrangement is full of love, beauty, emotions, devotions and joy. Every creature in this universe can get every feelings and powers, present in this.
Human body has all the things, which present in universe. It's character has three basic substances called Rajas, Tamas and Satva. These basic materials are present in every creation of this Srishti.
A human being has Body, Mind and Soul. Today's science says, every atom has Electron, Proton and Nutron in it. See, the characters of Rajas, Tamas and Satva are just like electron, proton and Nutron. One create, one nourishing and third one destroy every moment. In Greate Sanatan Darshan, all the thoghts are around The Brahma,The Vishnu and The Mahesh. This tri charecter phillosophy is same , in science, in western thoughts and in Greate Bharatiya Darahan also.
Bharateeya Darshan find all its obsevations, based on cosmic arrangements. If you want to understand this, take an exampale of Pryagraj Kumbh. It comes after 12 years due to planetary positions of 9 palnwtes of our Saurmandal. The movement of every palnete is fixed in universe. On the banks of rivers Ganga, Yamuna and Unseen Saraswati The Kumbh is organised in perticular Dates. You can thik, you have your Body, your Mind and your Soul like ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati. Your all the physical and mental creations are only bounded in three. Your devotion, love, likings, emotions, creations, imaginations, desires, lust, and every need of livehood are bounded in three segments only.
On the earth, all the creations which are gifted by the greate nature are so beautyful that every one can joy and be satisfied. All the rivers, ocians, mauntains, hills, trees, flowers, forests, birds, animals, pets, petals and leves of plants, all the greenaris, desarts, sandy beeches and pur air are freely avilabel for every human. In presence of so much beautyful things, how it can be that one will be unhappy and why?
Sadness and madness ,seeing in the society is due to some other things, lust and greedyness of ourself only. Cosmos is providing every things for our love and happiness, how we can receive, this is the point.Now, come to cosmic relationship. It's so beautyful. Cosmic relationship can refer to a romantic relationship that is destined to be powerful and everlasting, or to a love for all living things. It can also refer to a feeling of connection to the universe or to one's own soul.
Cosmic love
A romantic relationship that is destined to be powerful and everlasting. A love for all living things, with the belief that we are one with the universe.
A cosmic connection is a bond you share with another person that encourages personal and spiritual growth. They aim to give you the necessary life lessons you need. You may share a cosmic connection when you're immediately drawn to each other and share similar values, morals, life goals, and perspectives.
Cosmic love is absolutely ruthless and highly indifferent: it teaches its lessons whether you like/dislike them or not".
"Cosmic love dwells within the heart of each of us".
"Love is the most universal, the most tremendous and the most mysterious of the cosmic forces… the physical structure of the universe is love".
Cosmic emotions
An emotion felt in regard to the universe or the sum of things
An emotion that can relate to the Macrocosm (the universe around us) or the Microcosm (the universe of our own souls)
Cosmic marriage
A marriage that is a manifestation of a divine union
A marriage that is a microcosm of a cosmic marriage, with unity that penetrates through the physical and spiritual dimensions.
Cosmic bonding
A bond that helps us to welcome, honor, serve, support, and engage our relation.
Nature's Law of attraction
The nature's Law of Attraction is simple, like attracts like. Our thoughts and feelings send out corresponding frequencies to the universe, and in return, we attract similar situations and individuals into our lives. By a cosmic emotion, the phrase is an emotion which is felt in regard to the universe or sum of things, viewed as a cosmos or order. It's have in the mind that the arrangements of cosmos don't can be diturbed any how by a human being.
There are two kinds of cosmic emotions. One having reference to the Macrocosm or universe surrounding and containing us, the other relating to the Microcosm or universe of our own souls. When we try to put together the most general conceptions that we can form about the great aggregate of events that are always going on. These events strike a sort of balance among the feelings which these events produce in us, and to add to these the feeling of vastness associated with an attempt to represent the whole of existence, then we experience a cosmic emotion of the first kind. This is only the great Love.
It may have the character of awe, veneration, resignation, submission. It may be an overpowering stimulus to action, like the effect of the surrounding orchestra upon a musician, or singer, or poet who is thereby caught up and driven to play his proper part with force and exactness of time and tune. If, on the other hand, we consider the totality of our own actions and of the feelings that go with them or spring out of them, if we frame the highest possible generalisation to express the character of those which we call good, and if we contemplate this with the feeling of vastness which belongs to that which concerns all things that all men do, we shall experience a cosmic emotion of the second kind. I propose to consider and compare an ancient and a modern system of cosmic ideas, and to show how the emotions suited to the latter have already in part received poetic expression.
See, this is the life, this is livehood, this is love, this is devotion, ecceptance, connection and feeling in every breath. Enjoy this love, devotion and beauty every moment , till the end of life on this planete. This is the great message of Triveni Sangam, Kumbh and in your inner current.
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