The CBI on Thursday has filed its first chargesheet against 13 accused in the NEET-UG paper leak case. This case was initially registered at Shastri Nagar police station, Patna, on May 5 and later transferred to CBI on June 23. The CBI has utilised advanced forensic techniques, artificial intelligence technology, CCTV footage, tower location analysis, etc. to gather evidence against the accused,” the CBI said. The accused include Nitish Kumar, Amit Anand, Sikander Yadvendu, Ashutosh Kumar, Roshan Kumar, Manish Prakash, Akhilesh Kumar, Avdesh Kumar, Anurag Yadav, Abhishek Kumar, Shivnandan Kumar, and Ayush Raj.Several other accused have been arrested, including Hazaribagh School Principal Ahsanul Haque, Vice Principal Danish, multiple medical students from the solver gang, and paper thief Prakash alias Aditya. The CBI plans to file supplementary charge sheets in the coming days.
Last week, the CBI had said in an official statement that the NEET-UG 2024 question paper was illicitly accessed from the Oasis School in Hazaribagh on the morning of May 5 by one Pankaj Kumar alias Aditya alias Sahil, who is one of the masterminds in the case. The question paper was stolen in connivance with the Hazaribagh NTA City Coordinator Cum Principal of Oasis School and the Centre Superintendent Cum Vice Principal of Oasis School.
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