Netflix India has said that for the benefit of audiences unfamiliar with the 1999 hijacking of the Indian Airlines flight 814, the opening disclaimer has been updated to include the real and code names of the hijackers. Monika Shergill, Vice President, Content, Netflix India said, the code names in the series reflect those used during the actual event. Her statement was read out in Mumbai.
#WATCH | Mumbai, Maharashtra | Netflix India issues an official statement addressing the controversy around its original, IC814- The Kandahar Attack- "... For the benefit of audiences unfamiliar with the 1999 hijacking of the Indian Airlines flight 814, the opening disclaimer has…
— ANI (@ANI) September 3, 2024
Earlier,Netflix India's content head Monika Shergill on Tuesday met Information and Broadcasting Secretary Sanjay Jaju in New Delhi, amid a row over the web series 'IC-814: The Kandahar Hijack'.The meeting at Jaju's office here lasted for about 40 minutes during which the OTT platform official was apprised of the sentiments expressed by a large section of the society and the need to be sensitive while handling such topics.Voicing concern over the depiction of terrorists in the web series, a senior official has said nobody has the right to play with the sentiments of the nation.
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