Janata Dal (United) spokesperson K C Tyagi, whose stand on different issues often highlighted his party's differences with ally BJP, has resigned. The JD(U) on Sunday said in a statement that its president and Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has appointed Rajiv Ranjan Prasad as its national spokesperson.It attributed Tyagi's resignation to "personal reasons".
JDU leader KC Tyagi resigns from the party spokesperson post; Rajiv Ranjan Prasad appointed as the new party spokesperson pic.twitter.com/MiWz1KtJzy
— ANI (@ANI) September 1, 2024
Tyagi, who is based in Delhi and known for his experience and articulate nature, often expressed outspoken views on issues such as the Uniform Civil Code, the Waqf (Amendment) Bill, and the government's position on Palestine. According to new agency PTI sources, these remarks did not sit well with many within the JD(U) and caused embarrassment for the BJP. With two senior JD(U) leaders, including Union minister Lalan Singh and its parliamentary party leader Sanjay Jha, based in Delhi, party sources said there is a view that the two leaders should be left to shape the ties with the BJP without frequent public interjections of Tyagi.JDU sources said that the 73-year-old leader was taking his own line on too many issues and creating embarrassment for the party.
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