The Bureau of Police Research and Development (BPRD) celebrated its 54th Foundation Day at its headquarters in New Delhi on Wednesday, August 28, 2024. On the Occasion Home Secretary, Govind Mohan delivered Dr Anandswarup Gupta’s Memorial Lecture on the theme ‘New Criminal Laws – Citizen Centric Reforms’. He also released a documentary on the New Criminal Laws. He stressed the requirement for contemporary and relevant jurisprudence for law enforcement agencies to break the shackles of colonialism, in keeping with the ‘Panch Pran’ given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He also said that the new criminal laws brought by the government are victim-centric and give justice, not punishment. Mohan also added that effective policing, law and order, and effective action against crimes and criminals are necessary for India to become the third-largest economy in the world. He also honoured the recipients of the President’s Medal for Distinguished Service and Meritorious Service for this year and last year. Appreciating the Bureau, the Union Home Secretary emphasized its importance as the only Central Police Organization that connects all other police organizations and State and Union Territories police forces.
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