Telangana Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy on Monday attacked the BRS for moving court against the inquiry panel formed to look into alleged irregularities in the power sector during the previous regime instead of facing the probe to prove their honesty. The BRS leaders feared that their "loot" would be exposed, he said in the Legislative Assembly, which witnessed a war of words between the ruling Congress and former energy minister and BRS member G Jagadish Reddy during a debate on the power sector.
Revanth Reddy said the government had ordered the inquiry into the power purchased from Chhattisgarh and construction of Bhadradri and Yadadri power plants during the previous regime after the BRS member had sought the probe earlier.“While conducting the inquiry chronologically, he (commission chairman) asked for details from the then concerned minister and the then chief minister. When the commission summoned them, their honesty would have come to the fore had they appeared before it as a responsible citizen and presented their arguments before the panel,” he said. Without appearing before the commission, the BRS leaders went to high court opposing the commission and its head. The court rejected their argument and the BRS leaders approached the Supreme Court. It favoured continuing the inquiry, while holding that quashing the probe is not possible, he said.
The apex court sought the state government’s view on changing the head of the commission and the government had agreed to it. The new head of the commission would be appointed by Monday evening, the chief minister said.Revanth Reddy alleged “fraud” in the execution of civil works in the construction of a power plant.
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