Finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman responded to queries raised during the Budget discussion in Parliament on Tuesday. She came prepared to address their long list of grouses."The Budget speech of 2004-05 did not take the name of 17 states. Did money not go to those states? If they stopped the money, then they can raise this issue. 18 states weren't named in 2005-06, 16 were not named in 2007-08. 26 states weren't named in 2009-10. The 2009-10 full Budget didn't name 20 states," Sitharaman said while drawing parallels with the UPA government.
"If you want to distort, create a sense of fear you can go about distorting data. In the last few years, we have ministers go to each state and explain how much is given to each state," the minister added.The minister also read out a series of figures -- this year's and the last -- to counter allegations that social sector and welfare schemes have been neglected.
"The Budget allocation for the department of agriculture and farmers' welfare was only Rs21,934 crore in 2013-2014. However, in 2024-2025, it has increased to Rs1.23 lakh crore," the minister said.Pointing out that it is a five-time increase, she said, "More than Rs 3.2 lakh crore have been disbursed to over 11 crore farmers under PM Kisan since its launch".Nirmala Sitharaman, speaking on the halwa ceremony issue, said, “When did this become a photo event? In 2013-14, the halwa was distributed. Did someone ask them how many SC, STs were there?”
मिंटो रोड पर जब प्रिंटिंग प्रेस था, स्टाफ वहां जाते थे, बजट प्रेजेंट होने तक बाहर नहीं आते थे. आज भी वो सिस्टम बरकरार है. अच्छा काम शुरू करने से पहले मुंह मीठा करने की प्रथा है. पहले 8 दिन - 9 रात्रि, अब 4 दिन - 5 रात्रि वहां रहना पड़ता हैः #LokSabha में FM @nsitharaman#Halwa
— SansadTV (@sansad_tv) July 30, 2024
Attacking the opposition, Ms Sitharaman said, whatever is happening today regarding the Agniveer is a part of a conspiracy. Parliament, Army and Constitution are part of this conspiracy.The talks that SC, ST, women and backward classes are being ignored, I'd say, the allocation towards their development has increased, says Sitharaman.
Congress today talks about reservation for SC, ST and OBCs.
— Nirmala Sitharaman Office (@nsitharamanoffc) July 30, 2024
There’s a saying in English which says 'charity begins at home'.
I want to ask the Congress party – How many SC, ST and OBCs are there in Rajiv Gandhi Foundation? How many SC, ST and OBCs are there in Board of Trustees…
Sitharaman alleged that Karnataka Govt is using the funds of SCs & STs for other schemes. Money is being put in Pvt. Accounts.
SC/ST का allocation कम हो गया है, ऐसे प्रश्न पूछने वालों से मैं पूछना चाहती हूं, कर्नाटक सरकार ने SC/ST फंड से बजट में दिए हुए ₹9,980 करोड़ से ₹4,301 करोड़ Tribal Sub-Plan से निकला गया, उसका कहीं पता नहीं चल रहा।
— Nirmala Sitharaman Office (@nsitharamanoffc) July 30, 2024
Congress leaders must question their leadership on what's…
Entrepreneurs are building India, yet a conspiracy is being spread against wealth creators. An image is being created that foreign investment is not safe in Indian institutions. Together, we must fight this conspiracy, says Sitharaman. Nirmala Sitharaman presented her seventh consecutive budget on July 23.
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