President Droupadi Murmu has appointed new Governors in different States. Former Maharashtra Assembly Speaker Haribhau Kisanrao Bagde has been appointed Governor of Rajasthan. Former Deputy Chief Minister of Tripura Jishnu Dev Varma has been appointed Governor of Telangana. Former Rajya Sabha MP from Rajasthan Om Prakash Mathur appointed as Governor of Sikkim. Former Union Minister Santosh Kumar Gangwar has been appointed as Governor of Jharkhand. Former Lok Sabha MP from Assam Ramen Deka appointed as Governor of Chhattisgarh.
Former Karnataka Minister C H Vijayashankar has been appointed as Governor of Meghalaya. C.P. Radhakrishnan who is presently Governor of Jharkhand has been appointed as Governor of Maharashtra. Gulab Chand Kataria who is currently Assam Governor has been appointed Governor of Punjab and Administrator of the Union Territory of Chandigarh. Lakshman Prasad Acharya who is currently Sikkim Governor appointed as Governor of Assam and has also been given additional charge as Governor of Manipur. Former IAS officer K. Kailashnathan has been appointed Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry.
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