Former Haryana Congress leaders Kiran Choudhry and her daughter Shruti Choudhry along with their supporters joined the BJP on Wednesday, a move which comes ahead of assembly polls in the state due later this year in New Delhi. After joining BJP, Ms Kiran praised the public welfare initiatives undertaken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She expressed her dedication to working for the welfare of Haryana and its people under the BJP banner. After joining BJP, Ms Kiran praised the public welfare initiatives undertaken by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. She expressed her dedication to working for the welfare of Haryana and its people under the BJP banner.
यह बहुत गर्व की बात है कि श्री @mlkhattar जी और पीएम श्री @narendramodi जी ने चौधरी बंसीलाल जी के साथ काम किया है ।
— Haryana BJP (@BJP4Haryana) June 19, 2024
हम भाजपा में जुड़ रहे हैं ताकि हम देश और प्रदेश को मजबूती दे सकें। मैं अपने नेतृत्व श्री मनोहर लाल जी, श्री @NayabSainiBJP जी, श्री @tarunchughbjp जी का इस मौके के…
Both Kiran Choudhry and Shruti Choudhry had resigned from the primary membership of the Congress on Tuesday, alleging the state unit of the party was being run as a "personal fiefdom", in an apparent reference to former Haryana chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda.Kiran Choudhry is daughter-in-law of former Haryana chief minister Bansi Lal and a sitting MLA from Tosham in Bhiwani district. Shruti Choudhry was the working president of the Haryana unit of the Congress.
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