In Ladakh, in a grand prelude to the Rajat Jayanti of Kargil Vijay Diwas, the Indian Army hosted a spectacular ‘Know Your Army’ Weapon and Equipment Display at the Kargil Helipad. Major General Sachin Malik, GOC 8 Mountain Division, was the Chief Guest, accompanied by Brigadier Prateek Prashar of the 121 Infantry Brigade and other Army officers.The event drew enthusiastic crowds, including children from various schools, Degree College Kargil and Zanskar, and NCC Cadets. The community was treated to an impressive showcase of the latest weaponry and equipment from the Indian Army and Indian Air Force. Interactive exhibits and thrilling rides, such as military vehicle experiences and breathtaking hot air balloon rides, captivated the young attendees.Children were particularly engaged in the hands-on activities, gaining insights into the sophisticated technology and the essential role it plays in national defence.The event also featured interactions with soldiers and women officers, providing young attendees, especially girls, with a glimpse into military life and inspiring future aspirations to join the armed forces. Motivational movies and career counselling sessions aimed to inspire the next generation to consider careers in the Indian Army were also held.Lt Governor Brig (Dr) BD Mishra attended the Know Your Army Mela organised by 14 Corps at Col Sonam Wangchuk, MVC, Stadium in Leh.
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