The Delhi Police has registered a criminal case and asserted that it is determined to find out the truth in the tragic incident where three people lost their lives after the basement of a coaching institute was flooded in New Delhi's Rajendra Nagar. Deputy Commissioner of Police Central, M Harshavardhan said, "We have registered a criminal case. Our forensic teams are here. The process of collecting forensic evidence is underway. We are committed to the fact that we should have a proper investigation. We are committed to registering a strong case and finding out the truth. Two people have been detained so far."
Amid this, a group of students staged a protest against the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) at the spot after the recovery of the bodies of the three students. According to one of the students, water gets logged at the centre within 10 minutes of rainfall. “80 per cent of libraries are in the basements of the coaching centre…MCD has not taken action on this,” the student said.
Watch: After heavy rainfall in Delhi, water filled the basement of a coaching center in Old Rajinder Nagar, leading to the deaths of three students. Following this incident, students have been protesting
— IANS (@ians_india) July 28, 2024
Initially, the body of a female student was retrieved from the site during the rescue operation by the NDRF, local police and fire department. Hours later, the bodies of two other students were also found. The police said that there were around 30 students inside the coaching centre when it started flooding. While 13 to 14 of them were rescued and taken to the hospital, others escaped the site.The three victims have been identified as Shreya Yadav from Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh, Tanya Soni from Telangana, and Nivin Dalwin from Ernakulam, Kerala.
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