Senior Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said on Saturday that his party will defeat the BJP in Gujarat in the next election the same way it did in Ayodhya in the recent Lok Sabha polls.The Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha made the remark while addressing a party workers' convention in Ahmedabad."They (BJP) have challenged us by threatening us and damaging our office. Let me tell you that we are together going to break their government like they damaged our office. Take it in writing that Congress will contest in Gujarat and defeat Narendra Modi and BJP in Gujarat like we did in Ayodhya," Gandhi said.
गुजरात के युवाओं, किसानों, माताओं-बहनों को विजन देना कांग्रेस कार्यकर्ताओं का काम है।
— Congress (@INCIndia) July 6, 2024
हमने जैसा मेनिफेस्टो लोकसभा चुनाव में बनाया था, वैसा ही मेनिफेस्टो हम गुजरात की जनता के लिए बनाएंगे।
हम गुजरात में पूरा दम लगाकर लड़ेगे और BJP की सरकार को हराएंगे।
: नेता विपक्ष श्री…
The Congress leader also cited three reasons behind the BJP's loss in Faizabad constituency, under which Ayodhya come, saying people were enraged with the BJP government at not receiving compensation for the land taken to construct the Ram temple.
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