Jupiter, the largest planet of the solar system, after spending time in Aquarius, will transit in Pisces, the next zodiac owned by him from the date 14 of April 2022. Jupiter is the lord of the sky element, with the sign of fire element, Sagittarius, and the sign of the water element Pisces. It has a high position at 5 degrees of Cancer and weak position at 5 degrees of Capricorn. Sun, Moon and Mars are their friends, they do not harmonize with Mercury and Venus. There is an equanimity with Saturn.
Dev Guru keeps auspicious sight on the fifth, seventh and ninth house. And transits from birth sign give favorable effect in 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th and 11th place and the rest unfavourable..Let us see how Dev Guru will be there for your zodiac sign at the time of transit in Pisces.
1- Aries
Although Jupiter of this zodiac is friendly, but due to its transit in the twelfth house, you will need to be careful while traveling. You should maintain harmony with the people around you. Make plans wisely in financial matters because there is a situation of hindrance in monetary gains. In such a situation, you should have patience. Take the support of spirituality and worship Lord Vishnu. If necessary, do the peace of Jupiter.
2- Taurus
Although the lord of your zodiac, Venus, has no coordination with Jupiter. Nevertheless, their transit in the eleventh house will be good in many ways, you will get all kinds of happiness. There will be promotion of job profession and good news for the business class and there will be progress. But you have to pay some attention to health. You can make some good plans for the future, which will be beneficial in the future. This is even better for mutual fund and stock traders because you were already waiting for it. Your family happiness will increase. If you keep working hard by giving up laziness and anger, then you will definitely get more success. It will be good for the students too.
3- Gemini
During the transit of Jupiter in the tenth house i.e. in the field of action from your zodiac, you will have to work harder to get money. There may be some delay in the tasks thought in your mind, you will have to pay attention to the responsibility of the child and the working class or business class will have to keep harmony with the people at the workplace. In the meantime you will be in contact with some big people who will cooperate in your work business, meanwhile you can also make plans for new work, yes you will also need to take care of your health. Offer water to a banana tree on Thursday to please the Guru.
4- Cancer
Due to the transit of Jupiter in the ninth house from your zodiac, there is an increase in the possibility of the work being stalled for a long time. Your influence will increase, there will be a communication of courage in the mind, fame and prestige will increase, good news will be received from far away. There will be good happiness of wife and children, time will be good for people associated with politics. Religious and Manglik functions will be completed in the family. New works will be planned for the business class. If you have any old legal matter, then you will get success, fasting on Thursday will be more beneficial for you.
5- Leo
For Leo people, the arrival of Jupiter in the eighth house will be troublesome in many matters, you will have to pay special attention to your daily routine and health. Your complications may increase in love related matters.There will be travels but the mind will be sad due to lack of special benefits, you should stay away from arguments as much as possible and pay attention to the health of the elderly and children in the family. You will benefit from patience and spirituality, worship of Lord Vishnu and peace of Guru will benefit you.
6- Virgo
Due to the transit of Jupiter in the seventh house from your zodiac, you will get favorable success in the family, an atmosphere of happiness will be created in the family, you will get prestige among people by behaving well according to your nature. Make balanced use of sweet things in arrival, otherwise sugar may increase, according to your ability, you will also get an opportunity to buy new vehicles, you will get the good fortune of connecting with good people and getting their guidance.
7- Libra
During the transit of Jupiter in the sixth house from your zodiac, you will have to be careful in many ways. Be careful in case of dispute with brothers in the family. Mentally you will suffer, maintain good relations with friends and spend money very thoughtfully. It will be necessary to maintain harmony in the workplace for the work business and employed people. Avoid the situation of anger, you have to be patient. Despite all this, sometimes your work will be appreciated and there will be some benefit in between. You will need to be careful about your health, worship of Goddess Durga and Lakshmi will be beneficial for you.
8- Scorpio
For Scorpio people, the transit of Jupiter in the fifth house will increase various kinds of happiness in the family, good news will be received from the children, people associated with state work will get respect. In between, the expenditure of money will also be high, you should pay special attention to health at the time of change of season and make your lifestyle disciplined for maximum benefits. If the students work even a little hard, then they will definitely get favorable results, women will get full support of their life partner and will benefit from gifts etc.
9- Sagittarius
For the people of Sagittarius, the transit of the lord of the zodiac, Jupiter in the fourth house is bringing some troubles, there may be an increase in mental stress. To meet the needs of family members, the financial situation can be erratic. Avoid the state of anger and excitement can cause abdominal pain. If you are engaged in your work with constant diligence and patience, then there will be profit in between and your prestige will also increase. Spirituality and patience will be necessary. Repair work can be done in the house, the possibility of buying a new vehicle is increasing.
10- Capricorn
For Capricorn people, during the transit of Jupiter in the third place, you will have to work hard in your daily work, there may be some obstacles in personal work. It will be necessary to control your expenses, pay attention to health and you can get benefits by adopting a disciplined and systematic lifestyle, during this time you will have to avoid ego and pride, if you live by making good relations with people, there will be benefits and family happiness. Income expenditure will remain almost the same. Work can also give new direction to business, interest in religion and spirituality will increase. Recitation of mantras of Jupiter will remove your obstacles.
11- Aquarius
In the second house, the position of the planet Jupiter will give old age in many comforts for the people of Aquarius, due to the increase in spiritual happiness and good news from far away, a good environment will be created. You can influence others with your behavior. In between, if you have any outstanding amount then it can be received. In the meantime, you will also make a good plan to save money, you will get the support of family members and in between you will also meet old friends, despite this, you will have to avoid secret enemies and pay special attention to your health. Donate gram flour and turmeric on Thursday.
12- Pisces
The transit of the zodiac lord Jupiter in Pisces will bring mixed results, you will have to avoid spending more money on distant travels. People associated with business and work business will have to face some complications, but in between, your luck will also support you. There will be sweetness in your married life and you will get the support of life partner, if needed, take advice of qualified persons and elders. There may be the arrival of a new member in the family, students should make full use of this good time, maintain religious attitude, avoid controversy and have patience. Worship of Lord Vishnu will be beneficial.
To please the planet Jupiter, one should observe a fast on Thursday, meditate on the Guru and can also chant his mantras. The planet Jupiter is pleased with the service and blessings of parents and guru in the family
(Writer is a renouned Astrologer, Vastu consultant & spritual healer. He is based in Pune. His nos are-9425006196,7574885030)
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